Opinion | Censorship is undermining press freedom - The

Oct 07, 2019 Say No to Online Censorship! | Electronic Frontier Foundation Sadly, we expect to see similar efforts in other countries over the coming weeks and months. Now is the time to stand up for your rights. Join EFF and stand up against Internet censorship. Here are some things you can do now to show that you care: Download EFF's No Censorship button to your website and to your social networking campaign. Internet Censorship in Arab Countries: Religious and Moral Internet censorship remains one of the most common methods of state control over the media. Reasons for filtering cyberspace include ensuring the security of the current regime, attempts to limit all kinds of opposition movements, and the protection of the religious and moral norms of society. In Arab countries, where religion plays a major role in the sociopolitical sphere, the latter is

What Is Internet Censorship? | A Simple Explanation | VPNpro

Say No to Online Censorship! | Electronic Frontier Foundation Sadly, we expect to see similar efforts in other countries over the coming weeks and months. Now is the time to stand up for your rights. Join EFF and stand up against Internet censorship. Here are some things you can do now to show that you care: Download EFF's No Censorship button to your website and to your social networking campaign. Internet Censorship in Arab Countries: Religious and Moral Internet censorship remains one of the most common methods of state control over the media. Reasons for filtering cyberspace include ensuring the security of the current regime, attempts to limit all kinds of opposition movements, and the protection of the religious and moral norms of society. In Arab countries, where religion plays a major role in the sociopolitical sphere, the latter is

Internet Censorship: Why it is important and what we're

Turkmenistan. First up is Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country not heard of often. Perhaps, it’s …