Apr 22, 2017

IE 11 Crashing Solved - Page 2 - Windows 10 Forums Sep 01, 2016 Internet Explorer 11 crashes when you "Print preview" a Mar 27, 2017 Solved: Internet Explorer Crash - Acrobat.DLL faulting mod Aug 17, 2016

Internet Explorer Crashing Solved - Page 7 - Windows 10 Forums

Windows File Explorer crashes, freezes or has stopped working Apr 22, 2017 Windows 10 1709 - IE11 Crashing Solutions | Experts Exchange

Internet Explorer (in accordance with the spec) does not accept calculations without spaces for additions/subtractions (ie. calc(100%-30px) is invalid, but calc(100% - 30px) works fine). Refer to CanIUse.com. Most probable reason of your crash is that the Less is removing spaces when escaping the value.

May 08, 2013