Oct 25, 2017 · Configuration Management is a term that may not be familiar to many Linux users. But for system administrators the concept will be well known. In a nutshell, Configuration Management software enables administrators to automatically manage the entire configuration of one or multiple computers.

It is not necessary that the Linux servers be dedicated to DNS as they may run a web server, mail server, etc. Note on Bind versions: Red Hat versions 6.x used Bind version 8. Release 7.1 of Red Hat began using Bind version 9 and the GUI configuration tool bindconf was introduced for those of you that like a pretty point and click interface for Add name servers to the configuration file. On most Linux operating systems, the DNS servers that the system uses for name resolution are defined in the /etc/resolv.conf file. That file should contain at least one nameserver line. Each nameserver line defines a DNS server. The name servers are prioritized in the order the system finds them in Oct 05, 2017 · Copy your public SSH key , then add the same in the server. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. To add ssh keys in the server. Suppose we have user-user1 to provide ssh-key access to the servercd /home/user1 Jan 12, 2013 · Linux Server: A Linux server is an efficient, powerful variant of the Linux open source operating system (OS). Linux servers are built to address the ever-increasing requirements of business applications like system and network administration, Web services and database management. Linux servers are often preferred over other server operating This tutorial explains how to configure Apache Web Server in Linux step by step with practical examples. Learn how to configure virtual hosts, configure user’s home directory as web root, change document root, deploy a basic CGI application and allow HTTP & HTTPS traffic through Linux firewall and SELinux. May 29, 2017 · DHCP Server will assign IP Address to client computers within these range. And Other settings are common like Domain Name, Router Address i.e. Gateway Address, DNS Servers and so on which I already explained above. After all required changes in dhcpd.conf configuration file start the Linux dhcp server service using below command.

After you have created the agent configuration file that you want and created an IAM role or IAM user, use the following steps to install and run the agent on your servers, using that configuration. First, attach an IAM role or IAM user to the server that will run the agent.

That's all about setting up Apache Web Server with https (SSL) on Linux Servers. Also refer other Apache related articles, Apache Virtual Host Configuration to run Multiple Websites How to Configure Apache HTTP Web server on RHEL7 / CentOS7 Thanks for reading our post. share with your friends. We appreciate your feedback, Leave your comments if I have about 20 linux servers which I need to document the configuration of. I do not mean the detailed configuration of services, but rather user accounts, databases, databases accounts, ip addresses, physical location, SSH port etc. etc. I know all this data is stored in config files, but I want to centralize it all. Aug 20, 2018 · This article is a quick configuration manual of a Linux DNS server using bind. I believe that bind do not need much introduction, but before you proceed with the installation and configuration of bind nameserver make sure that bind DNS server is exactly what you want.