15 Bans and Restrictions You Can Only Find in North Korea

20 Things I Learned While I Was in North Korea | HuffPost Life It involves 100,000 (!) performers, many of them young children, depicting the glorious history and thriving modernity of North Korea. The backdrop is a stunning tapestry made of 20,000 kids holding up large colored cards (they have a book of cards and can quickly flip from color to color). Why Is the World Worried About North Korea? 1 day ago · What you need to know about this nation and its dangerous leader. Ask a North Korean: why do people decide to leave North

Does North Korea have American video games, after all

Internet in North Korea: everything you need to know

North Korea's internet is as weird as you think it is

Here's What It's Like to Live in a North Korean Apartment In the past few months, the global spotlight has been on North Korea, a nation that has become synonymous with nuclear weapons, human rights violations, and unpredictable, iron-fisted leaders.With all the focus on the rather notorious dictator Kim Jung-un and his continuous threats of nuclear war, it’s easy to forget that the country is also home to some 24.9 million people, according to a