Google searches from April 2019 reveal Americans were interested in ‘Game of Thrones', how to tie a tie and solving a Rubik's cube, now people's focus has shifted as their lives have been

How to Use this Table: the Google country search engines are in the language of the country. Not everyone is familiar with the local language. To help facilitate genealogy searches from the table below, we have listed where an English version of the local search engine is available (n/a means the search engine is already in English). May 13, 2017 · Of course, Google searches reveal that women too have their own body hang-ups — but their concerns have changed over time. In 2004, “the most common search regarding changing one’s butt was Of course, many internet searches are done on other websites as people search within a website for products, information, and other things. However, in terms of searches on search engines, Google is certainly handling the bulk of the traffic. 15% of all searches have never been searched before on Google. Your Ad can make the first page of Google in 30 minutes, but expect only 10% of the overall clicks. Note: Google Ads now only show at the top and bottom of the SERP. Less than 10% of people advance to Page 2. This statistic blew my mind initially, but after analyzing my own behavior, it became more believable. My google searches are like: "my boyfriend doesn't want to have sex anymore", "low-libido males" etc etc. Learned a lot. Especially the reverse (usually it is the males pressuring females into sex, and it says it can push them further away). For example if the term 'auto insurance' shows as 6,792 search per day and 'private vehicle insurance' showed as 550 searches per day it would suggest you should optimize for 'auto insurance' if you want the highest potential traffic. How Many Searches Should My Focus Keyword Have? Create A Keyword List . 1. Start With Google Autocomplete. Google Autocomplete is the easiest way to learn what keywords are being searched in Google. Just go to, start typing in a phrase then you’ll see suggestions based on previous history. Be sure to try out the “fill in the

Google Search Upgrades Make It Harder for Websites to Win

Salterra SEO Company Articles - Google Drive Many individuals don’t have a particular business in mind when searching. By working on your Local SEO strategy, you'll be able to simply place your small business and promote the products you offer when an individual searches to your type of business. Connecting with your buyer after they want you is one of the best factor for any business. Refine web searches - Google Search Help

Where do I see the average monthly searches - Google Help

How Many Searches Should My Focus Keyword Have? Create A Keyword List . 1. Start With Google Autocomplete. Google Autocomplete is the easiest way to learn what keywords are being searched in Google. Just go to, start typing in a phrase then you’ll see suggestions based on previous history. Be sure to try out the “fill in the With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched on Google over time. Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most. 18. Google Maps Accounts for 13 percent of all Google Searches. This one might not be as surprising as the stat about images, considering how many of us use Google Maps as our go-to directory when looking up a location. However, 13 percent is a lot. This means there are roughly 260 billion Google Maps searches each year (13 percent of 2 trillion).