Memory Leaks in Windows 7 - Microsoft Community

Jun 26, 2019 Windows Memory Leak - Microsoft Community Jun 12, 2020 Determining Whether a Leak Exists - Windows drivers User-mode memory leaks are always located in pageable pool and cause both the Pool Paged Bytes counter and the page file Usage counter to increase steadily over time. Kernel-mode memory leaks usually deplete nonpaged pool, causing the Pool Nonpaged Bytes counter to increase, although pageable memory can be affected as well. Very High Memory Usage Windows 10 and How to Fix the Problem

Aug 28, 2017

Finding Memory Leaks with PoolMon | by Clint Colding | Medium Jun 02, 2019

Finding Memory Leaks with PoolMon | by Clint Colding | Medium

(Checked & Worked May 2020) Memoryleak Fix WINDOWS 10 … Aug 01, 2015