On my machine, with Windows Xp SP3, the two programs run normally until cicle 65535 (integer?): at that point, on server side, a WSAECONNABORTED (10053) happens, causing the socket closure, while, on the server a WSAECONNRESET (10054) is returned.

How to avoid getting an error 10053 (WSAECONNABORTED) if a If the duration of GenerateXml () is more than about 5 minutes (*), I detect an error 10053 in TIdHTTPResponseInfo.WriteContent if running in the Delphi IDE: Socket Error # 10053 Software caused connection abort. However, on the android side nothing is detected and the HttpGet -call lasts forever. 1805846 - Error: "WSAECONNABORTED: Software caused ERRNO 10053 ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNABORTED: Software caused connection abort. or. ERRNO 10060 ERRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out

What are those 100XX errors in firebird.log?

Repair Fix Wsaeconnaborted - Windows 10, 8 7

Socket Error 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. Error 10053 means that an established connection has been dropped. There are three descriptions of this error message we know about, but the descriptions are given by Windows, so they may vary depending on your version of Windows:

WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine. The software caused a connection abort because there is no space on the socket's queue and the socket cannot receive further connections. WinSock description: The error can occur when the local network system aborts a connection. Some information about 'software caused connect Feb 22, 2007 Curl: Re: File upload error, SSL_write errno = 10053 Question/Problem: WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort. Answer/Solution: A connection abort was caused internal to your host machine. The software caused a connection abort because there is no space on the socket's queue and the socket cannot receive further connections. Socket error 10053, why? - delphi receives a socket error 10053. The application is written with Delphi 7 and Indy 10.0.66. This error pops out when the application tries to send an e-mail with an attachment using an TIdSMTP component. I have found a description of this error: WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software Caused Connection Abort -- A connection was aborted by software on